Health and Support for Escorts

The Health of sex workers and those that are using the services of sex workers always comes first and foremost. It is illegal in New Zealand to provide sex services without the proper protection and condoms MUST be worn during oral or penetrative sex.

The NZPC (New Zealand Prostitutes Collective) is an organization comprising past and present sex workers and their allies. NZPC advocates for the human rights, health and well-being of all sex workers. NZPC is committed to working for the empowerment of sex workers, so that sex workers may have control over all aspects of their work and lives.

NZPC wants sex workers to be empowered to have control over our own work and lives. We are run by current and former sex workers, for sex workers. Our services focus on workers rights, HIV and STI prevention, and education. We also provide safer sex supplies to sex workers, including condoms, water-based lubricant and dams, as well as sexual health checkups at our community bases. (Find nearest branch)

We highly recommend that ALL new comers and even veterans check in with the NZPC at least once during their time in the industry and ask for any advice, information or latest updates about escorting in NZ and safe sex practices.

The NZPC offer great services for escorts in New Zealand, including heavily discounted condoms and offer plenty of ways to support sex workers in making informed choices.